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Chatter is the place where you can access the forums and the large chat box. This can be a bit to get used to, so we'll go over what you'll find here if you decide to chatter like a bird!

The Forums  

When you pull up the Chatter page, you'll see this bar across the top, and the different sections of the forums if you scroll down:





There are also sections that show Recent Activity and Recent Topics on the right hand side if you want to browse through those.

When you go and click on the forum you want, you will see this handy "sort" option on the right hand side across from the board title:


When you click to drop down, you will have the option to sort by Recently Active (someone has posted on that thread recently) or Recently Posted (threads that have been recently created). This is great for navigating certain boards where you may wish to see the most-active chatty thread on Lioden, or the most recent News update!


The Chat Room  

Tab Navigation  

Let's go back to the navigation bar at the top!


You have several options here. The first link is Your Activity, which will take you to a page that shows your posted topics and the ones you've posted on:


This shows the title, the last person who replied, and the total number of replies. You can quickly get to the topic by clicking on the title, or go to someone's page if you so choose.

Next we have Your Subscriptions! This is where you can view and manage your subscriptions!



You can view your recent notifications on your subscribed threads, and all of the threads that you are currently subscribed to.

At the bottom, there are options to 'Unsubscribe from Checked' and 'Unsubscribe from All' that you can use to keep your subscriptions up to date!

For now, we are going to skip over the Post New Topic tab and come back to that later. Click on 'Search Boards' next!


As you can see, you have a few options here. You can search by keyword, poster ID, and the specific board you want to search in. The first two sections are manual entry, while the last is a dropdown list of all of the forums that are available to search on Lioden.


Once you search, your search results will look like this and list the title of the thread and last activity like the other sections.


Posting a Topic  

Now you are going to learn how to post a topic of your own!

When you click the 'Post Topic' tab that we skipped over earlier you will be shown a nice page like this:


Pick the board that you want from the drop down menu, give your topic a title, and write in what you want the body of the post to say. You can also choose if you want to be subscribed to your thread by ticking or unticking the box. It is automatically ticked so if you don't want to subscribe to your thread be sure to untick it!


Now, you can also add lion emoticons to your text if you would like! Just hit the lion head in the bottom right hand corner, and you will be shown a selection of emoticons to choose from.


Just click the one you want and it will be added to your text via the HTML code for it (as you can see in the example text).

Now! Before you post your topic, you are able to preview it to see what it will look like, and go over it in case any edits need to be done. This will be above the topic editing box, so you can easily go and edit things without having to refresh pages or any of that nonsense.


You can preview your post as many times as you like before posting it.

Another handy feature is the "reset" button—this will completely wipe your post so be sure before you click the button that you want to clear everything you've written!

There is also a safeguard in place when posting a topic. Say you've been working really hard on something and you accidentally close the tab or navigate to another page. Never fear! Your post is "cached" and if you hit the back button or reopen the tab, your post will be saved for you. See this news post to see it in action!

If you are happy with the way things look, go ahead and click that 'Post' button to be social!

Your Topic  

Here we will go over what it will look like when you want to both participate in someone else's thread, and what you will see on your own thread!


This is what a normal post would look like when you click on a topic. Notice at the top left there are two options: Report and Subscribe.


If you find a thread in violation of a rule, you would click the 'report' button and it will take you to the Modbox to report it. If you want to get notifications about the thread, simply hit 'subscribe'. Easy, right?

If you do end up reporting a thread, you will be redirected to a screen like this:


Fill out why the thread is breaking the rules, and provide as much detail as possible! Once you hit 'send this report' it will be sent to the Modbox for a Moderator to investigate.

Now, back to the post! If this happens to be your own thread, you will see this extra portion at the bottom of your opening post:


You have the options to edit your post and flag it for deletion (only Moderators can delete threads). You can also see when a post was last edited, and by whom. You will see this on every forum post, regardless if it is your own.

If you choose to edit your topic, it will look a little different than editing a single post.


For your topic, you are able to change the title, change the board it's on, and of course edit the text.

If you are just editing a normal post in your topic or someone else's, this is what it will look like:


Every time you edit a post, it will show the last edit date which makes it easy in topics like sales threads to know if the opening post is up to date!

How would you go about replying? you ask. Luckily this is quite easy! If you scroll down to the end of a thread, you will have the option to reply to it unless it is locked.


Type in what you would like, and of course you have the option to preview it before posting. There is also a new option, however! That little check mark box will, when checked, subscribe you to the thread. Please note that this is automatically checked on when you go to post a reply, so if you do not want to subscribe to the thread you posted on you will have to uncheck the box.

Another option is to 'Bump' the thread. If you have a sale thread, for example, and it hasn't had any activity in a while you are able to bump the post, which will bring it back to the top of the first page. Before bumping a topic, make sure you read the rules about the amount of time that must pass before bumping.

Reporting a Bug  

This next section is one of the best ways that you as a community member can help Lioden. If you find a bug, what do you do? How do you report it? Luckily, if you go to the 'Post Topic' tab and pretend like you are going to make a topic, there is a handy hyperlink at the top right hand corner.


Once you hit that link you will be taken to a page that is very easy to navigate and requires only that you fill in the sections provided with the prompted questions!

** Before making a bug report make sure to read the top of the page to see if your report falls under any of the listed directions on what to do instead! **





** TIP: Be as DETAILED as possible! The more detail the better! Also, screenshots are your friend in situations like these! You'd be surprised at how helpful they are! **

When you hit 'preview' to go over what you've written, it will come up slightly differently than the preview shown for normal topics. The prompted questions will show up in bold, and your text will be underneath them.


Once you are satisfied with what you've done, hit 'submit' and it will be posted to the bug board!

Related Pages: Interface, Tutorial