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Do you enjoy strategy games? Are you an avid fan of chess? Pin the Prey may not be as complex as chess, but it will put your strategising to the test as you try to achieve the game's namesake: Pin the Prey!

How to Play  

The scent of wild prey has caught the attention of your pride. Using the natural terrain and the careful placement of your huntresses, you must try to surround the prey for easy capture. The further you get, the less natural terrain you will have at your disposal!

Pin the Prey is a Lioden-themed variant of an old game, Trap the Tiger.

Each level spawns a number of natural obstacles, as well as your prey: the zebra. Your goal is to place your lionesses on empty tiles to try and surround the prey, thus trapping them. As the levels go on, the difficulty increases—fewer and fewer starting obstacles will appear, making it more and more challenging to pin the prey.

With each lioness you place down, the prey will move one tile. The prey will escape when it reaches the edge of the board.

The more lionesses you use, the less of a score you will earn for completing each level, so to get the higest score, you'll want to pin the prey in the least amount of moves possible.

Strategy Guide  

One efficient method of capturing the prey is to give it a false sense of security. You can do this by first closing off some of the paths further away, letting it approach the opposite side. The prey will go for the shortest path to freedom. Once it gets within a couple of tiles of the edge, you can begin to close off the path directly in front of it. This will hopefully force it to choose another direction, leaving only one possible path for escape—the one you crafted.

By closing off the path directly in front of the zebra, you force it to choose one of two paths, which you know you can immediately block off.

Now the zebra will start panicking and trying to find the next shortest route.

Since the exit is 2 moves away, you have 1 additional move you can make before you have to block the path. Use this to begin closing the space behind it.

By blocking this exit, the shortest path change drastically. Unfortunately for the zebra, it will take more than one move to get out of the encircling lionesses.

There's only one way for the zebra to go now, and it's not going to be able to get out before you can set the final link in the chain to surround it.

The zebra's fate is all but sealed now. You'll have it pinned in just a few moves!


You can earn a prize from Pin the Prey once per day, with the ability to earn a prize resetting at midnight Lioden time. While you can only earn one prize per day, you may submit your score as many times as you'd like over the course of a day.

Sending your score can get you one of the prizes listed within the following pools. Your prize can be a random amount of SB (based on the level you've completed), or it can be an item, with higher scores giving a chance at rarer items. Scoring 7501 points or more will currently award you with both a Zebra Heart and a random amount of SB based on the level you've completed.

SB Tiers  

The amount of SB you can earn per game (if you win SB as a prize) directly correlates to what level you successfully completed when sending your score.

Level № SB Earned Level № SB Earned
1 10 to 20 11 33 to 66
2 14 to 28 12 34 to 69
3 17 to 34 13 36 to 72
4 20 to 40 14 37 to 74
5 22 to 44 15 38 to 77
6 24 to 48 16 40 to 80
7 26 to 52 17 41 to 82
8 28 to 56 18 42 to 84
9 30 to 60 19 43 to 87
10 31 to 63 20 44 to 89

1000 or Less  


Medium Meat Chunk

Small Meat Chunk

1001 to 3000  


Large Meat Chunk

Lion's Claw

Lion's Tooth

Tail Tuft Hair

Zebra Carcass
Zebra Skull

3001 to 5000  


Zebra Carcass

Zebra Skull

Grévy's Zebra
Hartmann's Mountain Zebra
Injured Zebra Foal
Scavenged Zebra
Zebra Carrion
Zebra Foal

5001 to 7500  


Zebra Carcass

Grévy's Zebra
Hartmann's Mountain Zebra
Injured Zebra Foal
Scavenged Zebra
Zebra Carrion
Zebra Foal
Zebra Heart


Scoring this amount of points will net you both prizes listed below.


Zebra Heart


There are four achievements that can be earned from Pin the Prey. All achievements require you to send your score in order to earn them.

How to Get
Complete a Pin the Prey level using only 3 lionesses.
How to Get
The easiest way to get this achievement would be to restart the game until you get a level that has just the right obstacle placement to where you can put down 3 lionesses and trap the zebra. You must use exactly 3 lionesses to trap them—no more, no less.
We Have You Surrounded
Complete level 5 in Pin the Prey.
How to Get
Prey For Me
Complete level 10 in Pin the Prey.
How to Get
Fill all available spaces with lionesses while playing Pin the Prey.
How to Get
The easiest way to get this achievement would be to ensure the zebra is trapped, but has at least two tiles it can move between without the level ending. Then, you can put down lionesses on all other tiles that aren't occupied by obstacles before finally trapping the zebra.

Achievement Method  

The method to earning these achievements is to practice, strategise, and avoid having the zebra escape your lionesses. Once you figure out a good method to trapping the zebra onto the tiles and preventing their escape, the game does become easier, though it does still come down to good luck with obstacle placements!

Related Pages: Games