Pride month encounters are a new addition to Lioden. In June's development update in 2022, four encounters were implemented to celebrate pride month. These encounters are limited and will only show up in all explore biomes from June 1st to June 30th.


A petite and slender lioness wanders right onto your path. She smiles at you, kindly asking to pass the territory without a fight. She seems a bit flustered, but not because of you. You smell something familiar on her, but her coat is grabbing your attention as well!
Action Result Reward
Hmmm...! You squint your eyes and take a few more sniffs. The lioness tenses a bit, her nose growing pale! You ask if it's your lioness you smell on her fur and she nervously nods her head. You smile, saying your pridemates friends are your friends, and she's always welcome here. ARE THEY just friends, though? You should talk to your lioness about it, invite her and plan an epic feast! +2% Impression
Compliment fur You get a bit excited about her unique pattern and compliment the colours. She thanks you excitedly, and explains how it took a long time to get it right. +1% Impression
+1 Shiny Rock [Red]
A striking looking lioness crosses your path Her mane has been cut off, giving her a sleek look. She scents the air, looking preoccupied. Had she managed to track a herd? Maybe she'd let you in on it!
Action Result Reward
Hey wait! You bound over to her, and she's so focused on her hunt that she doesn't notice you until the last minute. She leaps into the air with a surprised hiss, backing away with uncertainty. You scent the air, asking her if she's found a good meal yet. The lioness admits she was on a trail, but seems to have lost it. You scent the air again, searching…there! You point her in the direction of a herd of zebra. She brightens and thanks you before hurrying away. Well, looks like no zebra snack for you today! +2% Impression
The attitude of this lion reminds you of yourself when you were in a similar situation. You still vividly remember how it felt like an eternity before your mane started to grow in nicely. It seems that almost all young males go through such a phase, and they're always so dramatic about it. They don't usually listen when they are told it just takes time, but you may as well try.
Action Result Reward
Compliment You approach the young male, trying to sound like a brother or a friend rather than a creepy stranger. As you approach, you realize he's not a young teen male like you first thought. No matter; a mane can be grown at any age! You sincerely compliment the mane, admitting that it's really thick and definitely growing fast. You assure him that this stage seems embarrassing, but it doesn't last long. The best things take time. With this growth speed, he'll have a lush mane before he knows it. Your last words seem to work, and you finally see a smile. Perhaps you'll never cross paths again, but you'll surely remember this moment. +50 Experience
+1% Impression
Cheer up You try to find the right words to convince this lad that there's nothing to worry about. The mane will grow at its own pace, and being grumpy won't make the waiting time any shorter. Just because he started growing it later in life doesn't mean it will be any less magnificent! You swear you can hear his eyes rolling as he looks at you with doubt. It takes some time and a few lame jokes about your own mane growth troubles, but you finally see a hint of a smile. As you part ways, you hope to cross paths with him again in the future. +5 Silver Beetles
+1% Impression
The lion in front of you has everything that you'd expect from a pride leader. A strong, muscular body and the sharp, fresh look of a lion with great potential. Instantly, you feel a sense of kinship. The only thing that appears unusual is the lack of a mane, but it doesn't diminish his powerful presence. He must be a very young lad with little to no experience. Perhaps a lesson or two would be beneficial for his future.
Action Result Reward
Wrestle You approach the young male with a smirk, wondering if his presence matches his skills. He senses your intent and smiles back before lunging at you. While your opponent is definitely smaller, he knows how to outsmart you, wrestling like a warrior. You expected a clumsy attempt, typical of adolescents trying to act like adults, but this maneless lion is experienced and far from being a kid. You get up, hopelessly defeated. Apparently, it's you who should be asking for fighting tips! +1% Impression
+1 Rock
You move closer, gazing at the young male with an inviting smile. Will he dare to challenge you? You can see the sparks of determination in his eyes as he leaps at you without hesitation, ready to use every opportunity to improve. As you expected, he is young and cocky but his style and focus are something to admire. It's not that easy to defeat him, and you find yourself a bit tired afterward. There is certainly a bright future ahead of him. +1% Impression
+1 Rainbow Stones
You come across a beautiful maned lioness. Her expression is gentle and warm–she looks so friendly! She approaches cautiously, hesitant to intrude.
Action Result Reward
Greet You call out a greeting, and she lights up in excitement. She explains that she's just passing through, and won't stay on your territory long. What nonsense–she's welcome to stay as long as she likes! You tell her as much, and you can tell she's touched by your kindness. After chatting for a while she bids you farewell, saying she has to get back to her pride. You watch her leave, feeling as though you've made a friend. +1% Impression
+1 Fuchsia Flower
You come across another lion lazing about on your territory. You notice they don't have a territory scent of their own, nor do they smell like any nearby territories. After checking them out, you realise the lion doesn't seem like they're a king, or a queen.
Action Result Reward
Ask about their mane You ask about the stranger's interesting mane style. They perk up once they realise you're interested! They explain how they keep their fur exactly how they like it, down to every last detail. After about half an hour, you politely excuse yourself, as you need to continue checking on the rest of your territory. Before you leave, the lion offers you a gift to try putting in your own mane. How sweet! +2% Impression
+1 Red Squirrel Tail
Where do you live? You inquire about the lion's home. They are mildly evasive at first, but after asking again, they admit that they live with another trio of lions just south of your territory. They apologise for resting on your lands, but it was just so comfy! You can't deny it, yourself—you've taken many naps out here, after all. After a few more exchanged words, you part ways, but not before the lion gives you a gift for being accommodating. +1 Coconut
+1 Serval Tail
Challenge! Sleeping on your turf isn't free game for anyone, so you decide to challenge the stranger to a little game! Tree scratching was always something you were great at. You hacked off the most bark and won the prize which you both agreed upon. The loser can stay here for one more evening as a consolation prize. +50 Experience
+2% Impression
+1 Tree Agama
Sleeping on your turf isn't free game for anyone, so you decide to challenge the stranger to a little game!

Aww, you didn't do so well at the whack-a-meerkat competition. The winner gets to hang out here whenever they want, which is nice—maybe you can play and chat again another day!
+1% Impression
You find yourself nearly stumbling into a lone lioness. She looks shocked for just a moment, before informing you that she believes she startled you more than you did her—she now seems amused!
Action Result Reward
Where are you from? Feeling curious, you ask where she comes from. She happily informs you that she's from a nearby pride, however, she's also quick to explain that her pride is a group of lions that she has befriended; even the king—who she is quick to describe as a close friend, but not her mate. Huh. As you part ways, she explains to you that she enjoyed your company, and that she's happy she made a new friend! +1% Impression
+1 Brown Eagle Feather
What is so funny? Feeling a bit annoyed with her teasing, you ask her what's so funny. She explains that your expression was priceless before apologising for startling you. As you part ways, she wishes you luck with the future ladies—just not with her, though. Not because of your face, she reassures you, but because she is not interested in that kind of relationship with anyone. +50 Experience
+1 Bream
You stop in your tracks, shocked to see a strawberry-coloured leopardess! She nervously crosses your path, but is brave enough to explain to a big, scary lion that she's only searching for her girlfriend. Not-so-subtly, she hints that maybe you could help to find her...?
Action Result Reward
Search the trees You fluff up and jump onto some trees, shaking them and searching through the thick foliage. There she is! She was sleeping so deeply, her snoring caught your attention right away. The strawberry leopardess is very impressed, thankful, and happy to reunite with her mate. +1% Impression
Search the bushes You wander into the thicket, trying to find any trace of a large feline. Suddenly, you step onto something hard, and let out a gasp when you see what's beneath your paw—a fresh leopard skull. A soft whimper escapes you as you frantically wonder what to tell the strawberry leopardess. Before you can speak, you hear a distant call. It's her! She's letting you know that she's found her mate. OH, GOOD. You whisper a little thank you to Bastet as instant relief washes over you. +1 Leopard Skull
Search the river You decide to search the river bank, checking out the reeds and hanging roots. You find a big, tasty fish, but notice a distinct lack of leopards. As you walk back to your original route, you spot two leopards sitting in a distant tree, snuggling. Good for them. Such a scene warms your heart. +1 Tigerfish
You stop, feeling the fur on your back raise a little. A challenger on your territory! You were just about to attack, when you noticed the male is trying to appear harmless and playful. Apparently he heard all about your achievements and wanted to admire you up close.
Action Result Reward
Smack him! You huff, bapping him on the nose gently enough to not start a fight, but assertively enough to express your boundaries - no fans allowed! Sounds like a stupid excuse to invade your territory, anyway! The lion groans sadly and leaves. Not the autograph he hoped for. -1 to -2 Karma
Play tussle You consider this a good opportunity to spar with a male with a fresh set of moves without any threat of losing territory! The male appears hesitant at first, but eventually agrees to a playful tussle. Turns out he was afraid you'd be too rough, but you kept your word and didn't harm him. You exchange a few jokes before parting ways. Invigorating! +2% Energy
Tell stories You sit down and invite the fan to listen to your BEST stories with the most ridiculous outcomes and absurd characters you've encountered. You spend the next few hours leaning against each other and discussing the best comebacks for stupid situations until it's time to go! +1 to 2 Karma
You've wandered outside your territory to check out the nearest waterhole. Up ahead, you spot a trio of lions bathing together and being rather adorably affectionate with each other. They seem to treat each other as partners and are snuggling comfortably. When you approach, they ask if you need help with anything.
Action Result Reward
Ask about local prey After a short interrogation, you learn about the drinking schedules of the local herds, and decide to wait for the next opportunity to arrive. You end up catching TWO rare snacks, which you share with the lions—one for them, one for you. What a nice group. +1 Damp Log
+1 Puku Carcass
Ask about their relationship Your curiosity is piqued, and you can't help but ask if they're all romantically involved. Sensing your genuine interest, one patient member of the trio speaks up and happily explains their shared affection for each other, that it's not so different from your typical pairing—there's just more fluff and fur to love in their triad. One enthralling and educational conversation later, you decide to head off and let the lions carry on with their grooming session. As you begin to leave, they give you a small gift to say farewell. +1% Impression
+2 Rainbow Stones

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