Novel 6 is unlocked once Novel 5 is complete and you have rolled over.
To quickly navigate through the storyline pages, some buttons are styled with underlines and will jump you ahead to the next page for that specific branch. It is advised to use these buttons to have the best understanding of the storyline.

If you are on a device that is compatible with keyboards, you can use the left and right arrow keys (  ←  →  ) to switch between storyline pages.

You find it difficult to track down the Harbinger today. It hid itself well among the rocks, and you notice its stench is less prevalent than it once was. You cautiously crawl between the rocks to face the Harbinger, only to find it agitated and nervous.

"They know, [NAME]. They know I am here. We must be extremely careful. You must spot the very last horse - one last horse, one last portal. Its skin is as sickly green as rotting flesh. The Pale Horse of Death is the last important sign that the dimensions are merging. Please, visit the dens of other kings, and eventually you will discover the steed. Once you've found it, report back to me, and tell me where it was found. And remember… stay vigilant in your search for Omens."

Of Course
Page 1

Find four Omens and report to me again. We'll discuss everything together. Remember to visit other king's lands to find traces of one of the horses of the Apocalypse.

Omens Spotted: 0/4

Pale Horse of Death Spotted: 0/1
Page 2

In order to proceed, you must first complete the Harbinger's quest, which is to spot 4 Omens while exploring. Click here to see all Omen encounters you may find.

You must also spot the Pale Horse of Death on a player's den page. An easy way to do this would be to refresh on an online player's den page until you find the Pale Horse. You'll know when you've spotted it, as the following image and text will display on the player's den page.

You see the horse off in the distance. Its silence is even more unnerving than the cries of its cohorts; your blood runs cold. You have witnessed a new Omen. This king's lands have been desecrated by the Pale Horse of Death. It walks slowly, and as it passes, every living being in its wake withers and dies. A white trail of smoke evaporates from the animals and plants that have been destroyed, turning the world to a bleak ashen colour as it all begins to crumble away. You mark this location for the Harbinger.

Spotting the Pale Horse of the Apocalypse on another player's den page will give that player a notification on their den page. The notification shows as follows.
"[NAME] has spotted the Pale Horse of the Apocalypse on your lands. Beware of the death!"

Once you have spotted 4 Omens in Explore and the Pale Horse of Death on a player's den page, return to the Harbinger's page and a new button will appear.

Find four Omens and report to me again. We'll discuss everything together. Remember to visit other king's lands to find traces of one of the horses of the Apocalypse.

Omens Spotted: 4/4

Pale Horse of Death Spotted: 1/1

Describe What You've Seen

You sit down near the Harbinger and describe the strange things you've seen. It gently nods, asking you questions that force you to think. Is there truly good, if there is no evil? Is chaos one of the cores of life, necessary for life to adapt and become strong? Without darkness, we would not appreciate light. Without pain, we would not appreciate victory. All must be experienced in order to become truly complete. Making any choice is not just a benefit you receive; it always means giving something up and leaving it in the past. Even in times of death and despair, only you can shape your own fate. Eventually, the Harbinger moves closer to you than it ever did before. It looks into your eyes, seeming to gaze deeply into your future.

"You are ready… at least, ready to help your pride survive the battle of Heaven and Hell. I am not yet sure if you are ready to change this world's fate, but perhaps that responsibility does not have to lay in your paws alone. You will prevail; when you do, make sure I am looked upon with gratitude, whichever side it is that you choose. If you like, we can continue to find Omens every day, until the dimensions finally merge. Once that happens, I will crawl back to the place I came from. I will express my gratitude with a multitude of tokens that may interest you."

You smile gently at the Harbinger. It doesn't seem to be forcing you into either side; it just seems terrified that, regardless of which side wins, there may be doom for those that were not loyal. This creature certainly is not a being that belongs to angels or demons. You will remember the Harbinger; maybe you'll even save it in the future. You got +100x(LVL) EXP, 5% Impression, +20 Eldritch Tokens and +20 JB!

Come back tomorrow!

This ends Novel 6 and the Harbinger's storyline. From this point on, you can now access Daily Quests in order to continue earning Eldritch Tokens.
Click here to view the Daily Quests.