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Chapter 3 begins when Tier Two of the Champion Shop unlocks.
To quickly navigate through the storyline pages, some buttons are styled with underlines and will jump you ahead to the next page for that specific branch. It is advised to use these buttons to have the best understanding of the storyline.

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You hear a commotion and a very loud gasp in a crowd of lions, where the fans usually gather. You run there to notice Vashkartzen smacking his little brother V'Kai. Nobody dares to step in, as Vash is a giant aggressive mofo who can beat up anyone.

Take a deep breath and defend V'Kai. *

Wait until the fight is over
Page 1

This page is only visible if you clicked "Take a deep breath and defend V'Kai. *" on Page 1.

You jump between the brothers and growl at Vashkartzen, defending the weaker lion. He steps back - perhaps a minute to show off his position is enough for him and the crowd. He doesn't seem bothered that you stopped him, as he walks away roaring in victory. You look down on V'Kai, curled between your paws. He's quite silent and unlike himself, but you can tell he feels safe with you.

Cheer him up
Page 1a

This page is only visible if you clicked "Wait until the fight is over" on Page 1.

You wait until the fight is over. It's between brothers, and you're not going to intervene in family affairs. V'Kai gets smacked a few more times, and Vashkartzen growls a few words at him that you try to hear through the crowd. Other lions begin to scatter as the big, muscly brother leaves the scene roaring. V'Kai scurries towards you, his head lowered in shame. Looks like he feels safe with you.

What happened?
Page 2

This page is visible whether you clicked "Cheer him up" on Page 1a or "What happened?" on Page 2.

V'Kai looks up at you with a spark of hope in his eye - maybe he wants you to replace the warm and fun part of his brother. "We don't always get along, you know. Siblings fight sometimes, but it's okay. He's usually awesome! Besides, those two girls always lick my wounds." His smile is weak as he nods at two young lionesses sitting further away, concern clearly painted on their muzzles. You start to think if maybe you should stay with V'Kai for a while and make sure he recovers. It was fun mingling with the fans, too. On the other hand, you could just keep Vash occupied instead with some training and let V'Kai go with the other fans.

Choose V'Kai's quests and end Chapter 3

Choose Vashkartzen's quests and end Chapter 3
Page 3

The button that you choose is the brother you will be completing quests with until Chapter 4 unlocks, so be sure to choose carefully!

This ends Chapter 3. From here, you can complete daily quests each rollover until Chapter 4 unlocks, which occurs when Tier Three of the Champion Shop opens.
Click here to view the directory for The Brotherhood of Zeal storyline.