Novel 5 begins on July 20th at 02:05am LDT.
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The sky looks grim today. You watch as clouds swirl and gather above the land, meteors dashing through them, burning and exploding on the ground, setting everything on fire. It looks like the End is coming. You feel somewhat safe on the cliff above Apedemak's cave, but you're not alone for long. Apollyon shows up behind you and sits down to observe the monumental destruction.

"This is it. The time is coming. Apedemak is gathering power in the Celestial Stone, and we cannot destroy it. If a lion touches it, it dies. I think my powers are not enough to stop it all. I think I might have to leave with Menhit."

He told me he needs a channeling medium
Page 1

Apollyon looks at you, surprised. He thinks intensively for a short bit.

"So... he wants you to agree to give your soul to him, and have your body become his hollow slave and storage for whispers. Maybe the fate of both worlds lands in your decision, [NAME]. Perhaps you could change everything."

Page 2

"The channeling requires a special shard and a spell to let him inside you spiritually. If you let him in, he will take your soul and turn it into a booster for the Celestial Stone whispers to enter his own body in one direct blow. Who knows what will happen then, but I know what might happen if you let me or Menhit say the incantation. You could also just screw up in the incantation yourself and free the whispers, or just let him become an omnipotent being. It should not matter to you much, since his kingdom is so far away from yours. So many options... I don't want to force you into any. I am very humbled, and it's not in my powers to end this. You will be the one to determine the outcome of this celestial war."

Terrified, you look at him with wide eyes. Is that what it all comes down to? All this weighing on a decision of a mere mortal lion like you? Why would it all rely on your choice? What can you possibly do? You are left alone once again with your thoughts.

Yes, you could just join Apedemak and let him win. Or you could trick him and fail his ritual. What would happen then?

Or, you could follow Apollyon's lead and channel all the whispers into him, and let him take over the Celestial Kingdom. Or maybe he'd use that power for something else? Can you trust him?

He mentioned Menhit, too. What if you channel all the whispers into Menhit? Will she become a new Celestial Queen? Indeed, the choices are hard.

Choose Menhit's path

Choose Apedemak's path

Choose Apollyon's path
Page 3

As you ponder about your future while watching the meteors burn the lands, Apedemak's smell becomes very strong. You get up and turn around to see him grin at you. He came out, despite the daytime? Maybe these heavy clouds protect him from sunlight.

"The stars will align in 5 days. The conjunction will empower the ritual I plan. I will need you more than ever, [NAME]. Your powerful spirit is one of a kind. You will channel all whispers from the Celestial Stone into me, and I will reward you greatly. Please, prepare. I will see you then."

You sit down, feeling the weight of incoming doom. What if you just... die during this? What if... What if the whole world is just consumed by flames and destruction?

Accept your fate
Page 4

Your choice is your own, at least.

Go back home.
Page 5

Choosing Menhit permanently locks you into only being able to do daily quests with Menhit, as well as locking you into being aligned with Menhit for the end of the storyline.
You also receive the following.

You trust that Menhit's good heart will guide your fate. You got an Empyrean Future and +40 Reputation with Menhit!

Empyrean Future

Choosing Apedemak permanently locks you into only being able to do daily quests with Apedemak, as well as locking you into being aligned with Apedemak for the end of the storyline.
You also receive the following.

You believe that Apedemak's ritual will bring the resolution you seek. You got a Conjunction and +40 Reputation with Apedemak!


Choosing Apollyon permanently locks you into only being able to do daily quests with Apollyon, as well as locking you into being aligned with Apollyon for the end of the storyline.
You also receive the following.

Following Apollyon's lead might not be a bad idea after all. You got a Burning Blight and +40 Reputation with Apollyon!

Burning Blight

This ends Novel 5. If the other Novel is not yet unlocked, you will be able to access Daily Quests.
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To see the previous text for the storyline, please visit the "History" link for each page.