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Novel 6 begins on July 25th at 00:00am LDT.
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There is one possible ending within Menhit's branch of the storyline.

Menhit looks into your eyes, seeming strong and determined.

"It's time, [NAME]. You know what to do. Once he starts channeling, I will take over. I hope I really do know what will happen, but if not... at least my father won't ruin your life or the kingdom."

She's quiet, but not scared. You nod, noticing a worried look on Apollyon's face. He respects her choice, and so do you. The pair stays hidden as you approach Apedemak.

Reveal yourself
Page 1

Apedemak looks at you, his eyes brightly glowing from energy. He orders you to touch a large crystal that seems to be slowly sponging whispers from the Celestial Stone next to it. When you put your paw on it, you feel as if millions of ants crawled on your pawpads, while whispers swirl around your toes. How hypnotizing.

"Repeat after me."

Apedemak orders you, and you close your eyes. Sentence by sentence, you repeat the incantation in a weird language. You hear the final verse, and everything starts to tremble.

Let Menhit say it
Page 2

Menhit jumps on your back from the shadows, and as you roar in pain from her claws sinking in, she finishes the verse. Apedemak's face shifts into sheer terror when, in less than a second, thousands of whispers violently enter her body through you. She screams in pain until her body twitches so much that she can no longer hold onto your back. She falls onto the ground. Apedemak, frozen at first, starts repeating a completely new chant.


You no longer feel or hear any whispering. You also no longer see her move.

Did she die?
Page 3

You lean above Menhit's body along with Apollyon, who just saw what happened. She is not moving or breathing anymore. You lift your head to see Apollyon's face overcoming with rage. He's about to leap at Apedemak, but he stops himself. Apedemak, broken and sobbing, lies on the ground near her paws.

"I never meant for this to happen! I just wanted to give her a perfect world for Celestial lions, where there's no more fear of the dark void! I wanted our pride to be happy! For our kingdom to prosper...! I never wanted to lose her..."

As he weeps, Apollyon stares at him, fighting his desire for revenge. You can tell he's no longer sure if Apedemak is full of the evil he once saw before. Suddenly, you hear rustling, and a gentle movement under your paws makes you gasp. Streaks of whispers surround Menhit's body as a silent wheeze comes out of her mouth.

Help her
Page 4

You help Menhit get up. She looks so different that you're not even sure she's herself. Her whole body became somewhat... Heavenly. The glow in her eyes is warm and reminds you of sunlight. She looks at all of you. When she smiles, you see confidence and triumph.

"It's over, father. The ritual failed, thus you have failed as a king for the last time. You can no longer control the power that was granted upon your body. It has decayed with the void, just as the kingdom did under your rule. While the whispers aid my body with this power, I will do my best to rule the Celestial Kingdom with my future husband."

As she hugs Apollyon, Apedemak backs off, staring at her in disbelief. He does not protest. He gives up. It seems as though, with the last channelling, the sick passion left his soul as well.

You're okay!
Page 5

"Yes, the whispers saved me. They tell me what to do, what I can do, what I should do. I will make sure my father is calm and safe with me, under my control and submission. I will protect him from his own madness. Maybe I will find the true energy of his soul that once loved me. If not... he'll face the void. Thank you for your help. I will make sure you have a great spot in my kingdom once you arrive. We'll watch together from above as your cubs grow old and ruin everything for your kingdom, this time."

She hugs you again so tight, you fall down and chuckle. Apollyon seems just overwhelmed with relief.

I am so glad!
Page 6

You got +(LVL x 50) EXP, 10% Impression, a Heavenly Blessing, an Astral Fire, a Susurrus, 50 Fireflies, and the Heavenly Title.

Astral Fire

Heavenly Blessing


You also receive the Heavenly Fate achievement.

When you visit the Daily Quest area, Menhit will display the following image.

"You can still visit us. We will stay for a few days. When the sky touches the earth again, we will rise and watch you from above. You are our Skyward hero."

Finish the Storyline
Page 7

This ends Novel 6 and thus, the storyline. For the remainder of the month, you will be able to access Daily Quests.
Click here to view the directory for the Civil War storyline.

Go back to Novel 6. Proceed to the Daily Quests.

Related Pages: Civil War, Civil War: Novel 6