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Quest 23  

"[NAME], hurry! A mass of Celestial Crustaceans left the river last night! You must hunt them down before they spread their corruption! What? You've heard this before somewhere?

That's right - ANY constellation remnants invading your planet will cause corruption. I cannot simply fix this. I design worlds, not physics. I cannot just conjure it all at my own will. We must do this the old-fashioned way.

Take down the celestial invaders. I worry they could be drawn to the residue-coated cubs…"

You have not fulfilled your task yet. 0/30 Celestial Crustaceans defeated.
Page 1

To complete this quest, you need to defeat a total of 30 Celestial Crustacean NPCs in Explore.

Each Celestial Crustacean defeated counts +1 towards the progress bar. Not counting other factors, this will take a little over three full energy bars (~300% energy) to complete this, assuming you use a Lucky Foot on each NPC and you do not spend your energy on anything else.

Oh no! This aggressive creature is radiating with interstellar energy! You should end it before it spawns more of its kind.
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a fight with a Celestial Crustacean. Acts as a regular battle, so you can gain SB, Experience, and Impression if battle is won. No residue is awarded for this fight.

Oh no! This aggressive creature is radiating with interstellar energy! You should end it before it spawns more of its kind.
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a fight with a Celestial Crustacean. Acts as a regular battle, so you can gain SB, Experience, and Impression if battle is won. No residue is awarded for this fight.

Oh no! This aggressive creature is radiating with interstellar energy! You should end it before it spawns more of its kind.
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a fight with a Celestial Crustacean. Acts as a regular battle, so you can gain SB, Experience, and Impression if battle is won. No residue is awarded for this fight.

Oh no! This aggressive creature is radiating with interstellar energy! You should end it before it spawns more of its kind.
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a fight with a Celestial Crustacean. Acts as a regular battle, so you can gain SB, Experience, and Impression if battle is won. No residue is awarded for this fight.

You can view your progress as you explore on the Journey to Vredefort Crater page. With each successful battle against a Celestial Crustacean, your NPC count will go up.

Once you have defeated 30 total Celestial Crustacean NPCs, return to the Demiurge.

"[NAME], hurry! A mass of Celestial Crustaceans left the river last night! You must hunt them down before they spread their corruption! What? You've heard this before somewhere?

That's right - ANY constellation remnants invading your planet will cause corruption. I cannot simply fix this. I design worlds, not physics. I cannot just conjure it all at my own will. We must do this the old-fashioned way.

Take down the celestial invaders. I worry they could be drawn to the residue-coated cubs…"

Status Report
Page 1

"Maybe all of these distractions aren't just following entropy… Maybe it all has a purpose. It's almost as though it's a sentient hivemind, sensing my presence…"

Snap out of it!
Page 2

Quest 24  

"Right. The cubs. The antidote works! I require more herbs to produce a constant supply of antidotes for the time being. Later on, we will prepare a recipe for centuries to come, so that any creatures on your planet may pass it onto future generations. It may not work on every bit of detritus, but it will work against Cancri.

Again, though, I need more herbs. Any will do. I will use some for the antidote, and some to detox the other cubs."

You have not fulfilled your task yet. 0/500 herbs donated.
Page 3

To complete this quest, you have to donate a total of 500 individual herbs, not 500 uses of herbs.

Water items do not count towards this quest.

The list of herbs that qualify for this quest are as follows.


Dream Root

Honey Bush

Iboga Root


Marula Fruit

Nut Grass






These herbs are most commonly dropped during November's event, though they are also randomly dropped at a lower rate year-round in Explore. They can also be purchased via the Beetle Grounds in Crossroads for 20 SB per herb.

The herbs must be in your hoard, not buried, in your branch, in a raffle, or in a trade.

The amount of herbs you wish to donate must be typed in. If you have 400 Buchu and you only want to donate 200, then type in 200 and it will only take 200 Buchu from your hoard.

Once you have donated a total of 500 herbs, click the Status Report button.

"Right. The cubs. The antidote works! I require more herbs to produce a constant supply of antidotes for the time being. Later on, we will prepare a recipe for centuries to come, so that any creatures on your planet may pass it onto future generations. It may not work on every bit of detritus, but it will work against Cancri.

Again, though, I need more herbs. Any will do. I will use some for the antidote, and some to detox the other cubs."

Status Report
Page 3

"These are perfect. To think I used to say that about pulsars… the threat of losing something so fragile, such as life on this planet, can change one's perception of beauty. Let's turn your kindling embers into a fire, mortals! I will cure the cubs, but they cannot stay here."

What about the Giving Tree?
Page 4

Quest 25  

"A sentient, generous tree? What? Oooh. A big tree where lions leave their cubs for others to take in. What a wonderful idea! You lions are great at thinking of ways to spread your genes across the lands. I think that's what I'll do with these cubs!

Can you drop some off to show me how it's done? I will follow suit."

You have not fulfilled your task yet. 0/15 cubs abandoned to the Giving Tree.
Page 5

To complete this quest, you must abandon 15 total cubs within your own pride to the Giving Tree.

To donate a cub, they must be between 5 to 11 months of age and they cannot be secured.

Click the Abandon button on their page.

The appearance, gender, and stats of the cubs do not matter.

Once you have abandoned 15 total cubs, return to the Demiurge.

"A sentient, generous tree? What? Oooh. A big tree where lions leave their cubs for others to take in. What a wonderful idea! You lions are great at thinking of ways to spread your genes across the lands. I think that's what I'll do with these cubs!

Can you drop some off to show me how it's done? I will follow suit."

Status Report
Page 5

"I hid behind the thornbush over there and watched those cubs get adopted! I've sent out all of mine that were healthy, and goodness, they got picked up so quickly! They will live such happy, healthy lives! Wait, what?

Oh, no, stop, [NAME], that's enough. I don't want to hear about any "fodder", thank you. Let me live in my hopeful bubble. So, anyway…great news! I managed to collect three more residue remnants from all the commotion with the Celestial Crustaceans earlier on!

I believe I only need a few more to create a siphon that will clean the rest of the surface, almost like a very particular black hole, feeding only on this specific element. I will burst it all back into the constellation and try to rebuild it to the best of my abilities. I will venture out to the corrupted river tonight. Let us meet tomorrow and discuss our plan of curing that crocodile."

(+3 residue!)

Page 6

You have 25/30 Residue
"Check back with the Demiurge tomorrow! He is surveying the rivers."
Page 7

This ends Day 16. You must wait one rollover to proceed to Day 17.
Click here to view the directory for the Journey to Vredefort Crater.

Go back to Day 15. Proceed to Day 17.