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Still bored? Try out the special Match-3 type game that we have!

How to Play  

Serengeti Shuffle is just like most Match-3 games. Get three or more in a row and score big points. Get enough points, and you'll win a prize!

You can swipe vertically or horizontally to match groups of three or five tiles together.
You have three lives to start off with and 120 seconds to play. There is no way to extend your playtime, so you have to try and make as many matches as you can before the time runs out!

The only way that you can lose a life is if there are no current matches to be made on the board. If that happens, the board will reshuffle and one of your three lives will be lost. Although rare, it is possible that your board will need to be reshuffled three times, thus causing your game to end due to lives lost before the timer runs out! It is also possible for the timer to run out before your lives are lost - the game ends automatically after 120 seconds, or once you lose all three lives, whichever comes first.


Serengeti Shuffle has some pretty decent prizes you can earn for a mere two minutes of gameplay. Let's check them out.

Below 2000  


2000 to 2499  

20 to 50 SB African Wild Dog Skull Bone Marrow Broken Drone Cheetah Skull
sb.png awdskull.png bonemarrow.png brokendrone.png cheetahskull.png
Coconut Decayed Giraffe Hide Dry Palm Leaf Serval Tail
coconut.png giraffehide.png DryPalmLeaf.png servaltail.png

2500 to 2999  

100 SB Aging Pebble Lucky Foot Nesting Material Snake Skull
sb.png agingpebble.png luckyfoot.png nestingbundle.png questchanger.png
Vulture Egg

3000 to 3499  

200 SB Elephant Carcass Food Bundle Giraffe Carcass Grub
sb.png elephant.png foodbundle.png carcassgiraffe.png grub.png
Toy Bundle

3500 to 4443  

400 SB Black Stallion Catnip Dove Feast Giant Tortoise
sb.png blackstallion.png catnip.png dovefeast.png gianttortoise.png
Honeycomb Snake Scent
Honeycomb.png snakescent.png



400 SB Black Stallion Catnip Dove Feast Giant Tortoise
sb.png blackstallion.png catnip.png dovefeast.png gianttortoise.png
Honeycomb Snake Scent
Honeycomb.png snakescent.png


Angonoka Tortoise Banded Kestrel Beautiful Mantella Black-Eared Mantella Blue Coua
angonokatortoise.png bandedkestrel.png beautifulmantella.png blackearedmentella.png bluecoua.png
Brachycorythis congoenis Brown Mesite Bundle of Lovebirds [Grey-Headed] Coquerel's Coua Crested Coua
Brachycorythiscongoensis.png brownmesite.png lovebirdgreyheaded.png coquerelcoua.png crestedcoua.png
Crested Drongo Cuckoo Roller Curious Fanaloka Fossa Frances’ Sparrowhawk Female
cresteddrongo.png deertushcuckooroller.png fanalokac.png deertushfossa.png franchawkfemale.png
Frances’ Sparrowhawk Male Giant Coua Grandidier's Tufted-tailed Rat Greater Vasa Parrot Humblot's Heron
franchawkmale.png deertushgiantcoua.png grandidier.png greyvasaparrot.png hemblotsheron.png
Madagascan Blue Iguana Madagascan Blue Pigeon Madgascar Day Gecko Madgascar Green Pigeon Madagascan Pygmy Kingfisher
madagascanblueiaguana.png madagascanpigeon.png daygeckoonbark.png madagreendove.png pygmykingfisher.png
Madagascan Rail Malagasy Sacred Ibis Malagasy Scops Owl Masuku Tree Namaqua Dove
madagascanrail.png malagasysacredibis.png malagasyscopsowl.png sugarplum.png namaquadove.png
Pied Kingfisher Polka Dot Plant Playful Fanaloka Rainbow Burrowing Frog Ring-Tailed Mongoose
deertushpiedkingfisher.png polkadotplant.png fanalokap.png rainbowburrowingfrog.png ringtailmongoose.png
Rockhopper Penguins Short-Horned Chameleon Sitting Fossa Subantarctic Fur Seal Tambourine Dove
rockhopperpenguin.png shorthornedchameleon.png sittingfossa.png subantfurseal.png tambourinedove.png
Traveler's Palm Umbrella Papyrus Van Dam's Vanga Vernonia karaguensis Violet Tree
travelerspalm.png umbrellapapyrus.png vandamvanga.png Vernoniakaraguensis.png violettree.png
Yellow-Headed Day Gecko


There is one achievement that can be earned from Serengeti Shuffle.

Do The Shuffle
Earn a score of 5,000 or more points in one game of Serengeti Shuffle.

Achievement Method  

The method to earning this achievement is to practice! Serengeti Shuffle is easy to play on a mobile touchscreen device, so if you have one at your disposal, it's advised to try getting the achievement by playing the game on your touchscreen device versus attempting to play it on a laptop or desktop.