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What are site events?
The site hosts a different themed 'event' each month, featuring different explore encounters and goals for the playerbase community. Each event has a different selection of items and decor as rewards if the goals are reached.

Do I have to participate in the monthly site events?
Participating in site events in completely voluntary. If you don't wish to see the encounters or the event page, just go to the event page from the main bar, and you can hide it from there.

Event Shops  

Here's a quick link to all of the event shop items, for easy perusal.

Great Hunger  

Oh no! With prey scarce this season, it looks like a Great Hunger is sweeping the plains of Lioden. Several lions in the area have noticed the benefit of working together, and have begun stockpiling a massive food pit that they plan to share with everyone. Join together, lions, and donate your spare food from your hoard to unlock a special area that will let you reap the benefits! Give and ye' shall receive…
Other animals are suffering too - maybe you could help them die out to have more food to yourself? Defeat Carrion Eaters in explore to unlock a shop and more events in explore as you go on!

This event is explore based.

Looking for the storyline? Click here!


All lions feel very amorous and scent of love is in the air. But it's not just within your pride…
Try your hand at flirting with other lionesses while also protecting your own lionesses from the advances of other male lions!

This event is player interaction based.


Oh no! Poachers have swept through the plains of Lioden, hell bent on slaying the wild beasts that roam there and bringing home bloody trophies to sell on the black market. But these are YOUR lands, and these are YOUR companions they dare to slay! Go forth young lions and fight off these evil humans wherever you can.

This event is explore based.
In addition, half of the income earned by the site in previous years has been donated to the IAPF - International Anti Poaching Foundation, and is now being donated to Tusk.

Rabbit Hunt  

It's April and rabbits and hares are breeding like crazy! Looks like we have a fluffy plague on our hands, and we heard that they like to carve weird things in Carved Easter Eggs with their ever-growing teeth.
With this April Event, you mighty lions need to catch as many Fluffballs as possible, and collect those Carved Easter Eggs. There are two areas to unlock - one calls for your Bunny Catching skills, and other calls for your good heart.

This event is explore based.

Looking for the storyline? Click here!


Hoorah! It is the official month of the Lioden Championships! Challenge each other and battle for supremacy, fame, and above all… Manticora Beetles! Use your arena tokens to enter the Battle Arena and fight your way to glory!

This event is player interaction based.

Looking for the storyline? Click here!

Rise of the Serpent  

So, you've probably noticed earthquakes shaking the ground in Explore during the entire May event. An ancient Egyptian rebellious deity, the Serpent of Chaos, has been waking up and is now ready to emerge! Start your storyline and the earthquakes will stop. If you do not wish to start the storyline, the earthquakes will remain for you, as the Serpent will not rise.

This event is explore based.

Looking for the storyline? Click here!

Falling Stars  

July has started, and as it's commonly known, the greatest meteor showers will begin this month, especially over the southern hemisphere, thus Africa gets bombarded by millions of tiny meteorites! (The Earth is hit with roughly 40 000 tonnes of space debris, bits leftover from the Solar System formation EACH YEAR. Crazy huh?)
Your lions noticed that the lights also appeared in forests as fireflies! Is this all connected? What's the mystery behind that?!

This event is explore based.

Looking for the storyline? Click here!

Droughts and Fires  

A ravaging Sahel Drought disrupts migrations sweeping across Africa, claiming lives of humans, livestock and wildlife.
With animals dying, many camps have been set to feed hippos and provide basic sources of water for most needing animals like elephants. Reports on rivers drying up are increasing by the day, as wet seasons never arrive.
What will you lions do?
Will you rampage local farms and villages, or try to survive on scarce herds and starved corpses?
Will you cause a conflict or succumb to plans of nature?

This event is explore based.

Locust Plague  

The droughts ended with a massive wet season, which has lead to increased Desert Locust breeding activity! While the outbreaks affect mostly humans, the swarms are slowly moving over lion lands. Some are huge enough that they cover the entire sky and induce fear in animals. Any locust kill helps out the landscape from being completely devoured and herds migrating away. Some choices you take while exploring affect the locust numbers, and some will be purely selfish. Which ones will you take?

This event is explore based.

Looking for the storyline? Click here!

To Hell With Rabies  

The month of horrible nightmares has arrived once again, and this time the October is scary not only because of the night terrors, but also the most terrifying disease is spreading through Lioden lands – Rabies! The animals are noticeable enough – just kill them all and reduce the infectivity, careful as you might get infected too! Beware of exploring at night, though… the dead do not rest.

This event is explore based.

Looking for the storyline? Click here!

Whispering Ancestors  

Not only humans believe that ancestors are linked spiritually to the living. Some lions believe they can talk to the spirits of those who passed, becoming shamans. You can gain your Piety for the Ancestors by doing deeds for the lion shamans, and in return you will be granted with spiritual rewards!
Your Piety might unlock something special, so respect the spirits and they will provide.
Alongside, you can gather a lot of herbs in Explore you don't need for quests.

This event is explore based.

Season of Gifting  

It's the season of giving! Right now on Lioden, you can leave gifts or poop for other players. Leaving one gift or one poop will add towards a global total. Once a global total in one bar is reached, a special area is unlocked! Both areas can be unlocked, and everyone can use them once they are unlocked. Work together and give to get these areas!

This event is player interaction based.

Related Pages: Interface, Tutorial